Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

An important component of the department is the international activities undertaken in the development of international links with schools, academics abroad , participation in international conferences , cooperation with international organizations.
In order to adapt graduates economic analysis and finance to work in an open economy , the students specialty " Finance and credit" have the opportunity to deepen knowledge of foreign languages ​​in the Language Training Centers that allow you to prepare for the exams to obtain international certificates.

Faculty (Dr. Stefan N. Assoc. Krylov AV, Assoc. Turcan IM, Al. Nikiforov Y., Kozar DS ) Develop language training in linguistic REC (for with Pittser College (USA , California, Claremont )). Faculty (Prof. O. Yermoshkin , Al. Nikiforov Y. ) completed in 2011, Polish language in Ukrainian- Polish cooperation , which has received a certificate.

Depending on the language being studied , students specialty " Finances and Credit" involved in projects Ukrainian -German Cultural Center, established with the support of the Government of the Federal State of Brandenburg and the Goethe Institute, Ukrainian , Spanish- Latin American Center, established with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain and the Argentine Republic , the Ukrainian- Polish cooperation, Ukrainian -Japanese center.
The Department supports scientific cooperation with foreign research institutions and educational organizations . This is from 2003 , the Department cooperates with the Higher School of Banking in Wroclaw (Poland).


The staff conduct on orders Graduate School of Banking in Wroclaw lectures and problem classes targeting . Yes, Professor. Halushko Os held for masters VSHB problematic lectures on the subject of " Globalization and integration processes ", prof. Yermoshkin O. conducted in English VSHB series of sessions ( 15 hours) on the theme "Management of the bank during the crisis ," Worms contain lectures, discussions, resolve specific situations.


IMG_7412.jpg Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Finance Doctor of Science . Prof. .. Halushko OS, while part of the Academic Council Graduate School of Banking in Wroclaw. Scientists Graduate School of Banking in turn part of the editorial board of the journal "Economic Bulletin of National Mining University " regularly participate in meetings of the section " Problems and prospects of a well-functioning financial mechanism innovation development" international scientific conference "Problems and prospects of innovative development of economy of Ukraine ".

Most of the department of Economic Analysis and Finance (Prof. O. Halushko Sci. Solyanik LG, prof. Yermoshkin AV Sci. Didyk LM, Assoc. Stephan MN , Al. Castle AI, Al. Dotsenko O. , Al. Lisovenkova IM) annually participate in international conferences Graduate school of Banking in Wroclaw and NSU, which took place in Ukraine and Poland. With the participation of lecturers (Prof. O. Yermoshkin , Al. Kozar DS ) students specialty " Finance and credit " of 2003 participated in the annual joint projects Graduate School of Banking in Wroclaw and NSU ( Summer School of Entrepreneurship - Wroclaw, School leadership A. Sharov - peninsula Crimea).

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Faculty sponsors are joint book " Poland- Ukraine : Joint Europe"
The department is involved in international information networks : Social Science Research Network; Financial Economics Network; Milken Institute Network.
The Department issued an electronic subscription to the latest publications in the areas of finance : Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Journal of Financial Econometrics, Oxford University Press.
The results of research faculty and students published in the collections of foreign countries : Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Russia .
In 2003, Professor. Yermoshkin O. held an internship at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis , pcs. , Minnesota, USA ), and took part in an international consortium of business and management education in Ukraine as part of teacher training «Leaders of the Future MBA».
In the context of cooperation with Franklin University ( USA) Professor. Yermoshkin O. involved in the preparation of joint teaching «Corporate Finance» MBA program for students .
Under international educational and scientific activities of the department is involved in an international project TEMPUS «ECOMMIS» « Duplex training programs for e-commerce development of information society in Russia, Ukraine , Israel ," which is realized together with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Hedeominasa (Lithuania), Technical University of Berlin (Germany ), University Fontis ( Ayedhofen , The Netherlands) , Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (Russia ), University Technion ( Haifa , Israel ), University «Ruppin Academic Center».

Main Directions:

-          Joint-Diploma Project

-          Guest Lecturing

-          International Cooperation and Internship;

-          Participation in International Conferences

-          Participation in International Grants and Funding

-          Improving Language Skills of Students and Staff.

 Joint-Diploma Project with High Banking School in Wroclaw (Poland):

-          Co-Manager of the Project – Prof. Olga Galushko – the Member of the Scientific Council of High Banking School in Wroclaw (Poland)

-          Field of Cooperation – Finance and Accounting

-          First Graduates – 11 persons in 2013Y.

 Joint-Diploma Project with Franklin University (Ohio, Columbus, USA): lecturing on the joint MBA program – Corporate Finance – prof. Yermoshkina Olena

 Participation in International Scientific Networks:

-          Social Science Research Network;

-          Financial Economics Network;

-          Milken Institute Network.

-          Gaudeamus

-          Academia.edu

-          ResearchGate



2003University of Minnesota (USA) – Prof. Olena Yermoshkina

2003-2005 - Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education (USAID) – Program “Leaders of the Future MBA” - Prof. Olena Yermoshkina

2013Technical University of Berlin (Germany), SAP Corporation (Germany) - Prof. Olena Yermoshkina

 Guest Lecturing

2003 – Peculiarities of Development of Bank System of Ukraine - High Banking School in Wroclaw (Poland) – prof. Olena Yermoshkina

2008 – Globalization and Integration Processes - High Banking School in Wroclaw (Poland) – Prof. Olga Galushko

2008 – Managing Bank in Crisis Conditions – High Banking School in Wroclaw (Poland) – prof. Olena Yermoshkina

 Participation in International Grants and Funding

International Project TEMPUS «ECOMMIS» - Two Cycle E-Commerce Curricula to Serve Information Society in RU, UA and IL.



Technical University of Berlin, Germany

FONTYS University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

ECM Office, Germany

National Mining University, Ukraine

Odessa State Economic University, Ukraine

Taurida National University, Ukraine 

Opportunities for Improving Language Skills used by the Students and Staff:

-          Linguistic Center of the NMU

-          The Ukrainian - American linguistic center

-          The Ukrainian-German cultural center

-          Ukrainian-Polish Cooperation Center

-          The Ukrainian - Spanish - Latin American centre

-          NMU Ukrainian-Japan Center



Social networks

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